Dcs vr tweaks. 4 on each dimension), you should def give it a shot.

Dcs vr tweaks Want Could a computer with the following specs run DCS (particularly the F-18) in VR? Intel Core i5-9400F 6-Core 16gb RAM 3000mHz RTX 2060. Joined: I just recently moved from a 3080 to 4080super and in daytime no need for any upscale or FFR tweaks it’s rock solid 90fps at max max settings also on VR is it better to have DCS game settings too low, apart from view distance and textures and increase the pixel density instead in the DCS VR settings? Feb 20, 2022 @ 1:58am I set everything high, Then tweak nvidia settings also use the tray tool. But lack of simulation and broken game system is something I cannot stomach after flying IL-2 and DCS. Other tweaks are important like Registry hack to disable GameDVR (google this one rather than the one on here which doesn't do the same thing) but other tweaks help lots. 2024 will see the introduction of the Vulkan API which will offer better frame rates for most players as well as new graphical capabilities such as ray tracing and improved VR performance. By default its set to 180 whic The problem definitely seems to be in DCS in particular. You'll find we foster a laid back atmosphere to learn how to work the various modules available in DCS. All right guys This morning I had some time to test my “solution” enabling Dlss tweaks. In order to fine-tune visual quality further, I'd suggest editing some settings in UserCfg. Virtual This morning I had some time to test my “solution” enabling Dlss tweaks. I run DCS VR on Oculus 2 with the 4070 TI Super that has 16GB of VRAM and a not so good CPU; 17 11700K. Oculus Quest 2: Start Oculus app. HP Reverb G2 set to 3164 x 3 I went from 4790k, 1070 (was getting 5-20 FPS in VR) to 12700k, 3070 TI. What I really struggle with is shimmering textures, mostly noticeable on some shadows and rooftops of No matter what mod or tweak we use, there is no way to run the game without reprojection, a VR technology that was designed only to be used in worst case performance blips, not 100% of the time as seen in DCS. true. Edit: Put page file on fastest drive, and say so to avoid hoggit rage. Even though I had a shortcut to the MT executable. Asynchronous Reprojection in SteamVR for MSFS, and Motion Smoothing in Just a FYI for VR users incase they're interested I did some VR testing of the "Low Latency Mode" in Nvidia Control Panel. Just do the tweaks on your game through monitor. Or join the GTX 1080 ”sub 30fps but still buttery smooth” crowd. I hope it helps. Open the file in notepad or Notepad++ then navigate to the PostProcess section. The Oculus Tray Tool (OTT), developed by ApollyonVR, is an application that takes advantage of With this 4090 Im feeling pretty good about DCS VR performance for the first time ever. It sucks but unlike regular gaming DCS VR gaming really does require the best of the best. It will always be blurry to a degree, the sweet spot will always be tiny, there will always be artifacts in small details / dark scenes and there will always be latency. Pimax Crystal Light here. 10 3 days ago (file here), and it seems it can help a bit with ghosting in some games based on a few video comparisons. Also, some aspects of the Win 11 GUI were hard to get used to. Normally, DCS would stutter or even crash, but at this moment, it feels as smooth as butter. Attached is a checklist/guide to help you se t up DCS how I do, and see if this improves your experience. Interesting as my first steps in VR gaming was the BoX series & DCS combat flysim, were the consensus was Assuming you have an Nvidia graphics card, there are a few settings you can tweak here. 6 tanked the frame rate so much that it is unplayable in VR We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that the New Year has started well. 0 version, but NVidia released version 3. This determines how objects look. Enable Oculus link. Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. Instantly no crashes, minimal stutter. FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache. At least it is flyable. Before you start, download the latest Open Beta patch. At least a 4080. 5. Like x 1; Agree x 1; Woodee Simracing Junkie AMS2 Club Member. I recommend keeping AA off. Enable Motion Smoothing Motion smoothing is a great setting within SteamVR which will smooth performance effectively whenever your frame rate can’t consistently achieve the Nvidia control panel has some settings that you can tweak for VR in general. 128 votes, 98 comments. Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames – This is a controversial setting as people have different takes on how You can tweak graphics settings all day but a mission with lots of vehicles and triggers will tank performance. I haven’t tried these yet (will later today), but Reflected’s logic is sound. be/zKLp8QTwyDAEmpty V DCS uses the 3. Edit - my rig for reference is a R7-5800X, 64GB DDR4 3600, and Next go into DCS and under graphics settings change your MSAA to 2x, clouds to ultra, and ensure the SSAO and crap below the cloud settings are all turned off. I mainly play in VR. chipwich November 29, 2024, 3:36pm 1. Going back and forth to find the perfect settings in DCS (Digital Combat Simulator) can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming! Here we cover our findings (and those from the Pimax community). DCS VR Settings DCS VR Settings SteamVR Settings Setup SVR. There’s a reason DCS is almost more of a hobby than a game Describing DCS VR as a "balancing act" is the perfect description. For those of you who don't know, in early March, an update was rolled on Meta headsets (Oculus Rift, Quest 2/3/Pro) that prevents DCS from launching in Oculus VR mode. exe , change its affinity by unchecking core 0. Great FOV, free-moving air over your face for comfortable long sessions, exceptional clarity & the entire lens is the "sweet spot", eye-tracking w/Quad Views foveated allows you to supersample the aliasing away (a huge weak spot in DCS) while simultaneously gaining 20-30% performance. I'm currently using the Rift S and it works pretty good, albeit the relatively grainy experience. I recommend also to enable Use Mouse, Use Hand Controllers and Use Built-in Audio Device Click OK, then DCS restarts in VR mode. OP would be In this video we search for the optimal DCS VR settings which gave me fantastic results for the Quest 2, Pico 4 and HP reverb. The file can be found here: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft. I noticed that if a ram kit fails the AIDA system stability test for the system memory function, dcs will stutter and/or crash. DCS Graphics settings guide:https://youtu. In DCS world you have a magic slider for MAX FPS a way to set the maximum FPS your game will try to ask from your CPU and GPU. What I am looking for is more tweaks I could do to get better performance out of DCS here is a breakdown of my main components and their overclocks: Intel i7 10700K @ 5. This comprehensive guide is designed for enthusiasts, VR users, and competitive pilots who demand the highest level of performance without sacrificing immersion. Ok, I thought DCS 2. There are so many different tweaks and it's hard to know which are placebo. Turn off ASW (Oculus press RTCtrl+numpad Along similar lines for performance boosting on the opposite spectrum, I’m trying to optimize an old i7-6700K, 32GB and GTX980 to be used for my nephew to start with DCS. 10 file in 'DCS World OpenBeta\bin-mt' to replace the file used in DCS (save it somewhere else first!). I have a similarly specced machine and any stutter shows up on that graph. The rest is not Today I wanted to highlight a magic bullet for increasing your performance in DCS World when it comes to load times and that lowest 99th percentile dip in yo Hi Everyone, just in case you haven't already knew these tweaks, I wanted to gather all the steps I did to make the game run smoothly. Current VR implementation is bugged and Hello again Flight Simmer's & welcome back to EGGRO VR!As you all are aware , there has been a Major upgrade to this SIM aka Multi-Threading / patch updat DCS in VR takes you to a new level of immersion; it really feels like flying. 2. With shadows set to Default and High it's playable again, FLAT shadows are fps killers in 2. Or rather that other guides tell you to tweak without knowing what they even mean. Launch Oculus app with OTT running and then launch DCS through SteamVR mode (not Oculus VR mode). The vast majority of games out there are bound by your GPU (graphics card). Problem is, I split my time between DCS and MSFS202 and I get horrendous performance in MSFS. 3:-Moved Antenna location to trimmer (knob was a bit too hard to manage)-Most controls tested and will remain final until major changes to DCS is not like those other games. I did a few VR flights in MSFS2024, and, to be honest, not very much impressed. t Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. In DLSS tweaks Combined Arms does have an amazing potential in VR, it only needs a proper rework to match the current level of DCS modules. Settings Menu/Video – App Resolution/Custom; Settings Menu/Applications – Setting the My friend if you have never rendered way above (usually you want to render at the native resolution *1. 8. Don’t get into DCS VR without a top tier card. Reply reply More replies More replies. 2), and my page file was system managed on my boot drive. In DLSS tweaks I suggest only touching presets. Look at the frame time graph maybe? Smooth as silk. PC Spec Asus TUF RTX 4090 OC and Intel 12900k 32GB DDR5 Windows 10. Plug the USB to Oculus Quest 2. I realised the issue was that DCS + Saved games were on my F drive (M. dcs. Per forum advice, I set my page file to 32GB (equal to my RAM) and moved it to the same drive as DCS. In the Graphic Adjustments, you have AMD Fidelity FX Super Resolution active, which isn't default either and is "FSR". Note: The Oculus hand controllers have some useful key binds set up as default in DCS: 3 - The NVCP has only one setting that affects DCS in VR, that is V-sync set to "fast" which can improve performance in some specific scenarios. After doing this I was able to get my FPS back and up the VR details a bit as well. 1. DCS still uses a very outdated . Highstriker's VR for DCS Optimization Guide version 3 (Revision start date July 29 2020) Okay! I've finally returned to the world of VR and just so happen to be Go the the VR tweak guides on steam in the discussion section and do the checklist on your rig and obviously omit the VR setting. I am Bear in mind that there are some games where even the most powerful computers will struggle to maintain smooth VR performance, including one of my favorite VR games, DCS. You may need to do a bit And yes, I've done all the tweaks, both the placebo and real ones. But this is not the case for DCS. I have High for textures, ground textures, water, and shadows. The higher the resolution, the truer this becomes. 0 in dcs leave the Just wanted to say thank you to ED for providing this fantastic experience. i still have to tweak the settings to find a balance between visuals and performance. The very first try was miserable. 0GHZ Noctua Air cooler 140mm G. It With the new MT build OpenXR support is native, and if you aren't already you can install the OpenXR Toolkit and enable fixed foveated rendering -- this may ease some of the strain on Happens all the time when I'm capturing DCS footage in VR. I expected slightly higher, but hey the game has trash optimization. VR Notes from a DCS 2. Stuttering, very low fps, weird graphical glitches, and running on a good, up to date, pc. Changing the in game settings didn't help at all initially. FPS isn't great, head tracking isn't smooth, I get black borders encroaching when I turn my head Our best pick for the best VR headsets for DCS is the HP Reverb G2. You can Also go to nvidia control panel and DCS VR Settings DCS VR Settings SteamVR Settings Setup SVR. with your super computer. If you've played any other VR titles, including IL2, I'm not sure how you could ever say DCS runs "very well". IMHO with the Quest 2 you really don't need to follow any videos or long lists of tweaks, you're better off just installing Oculus software, setting your resolution to the maximum there, and then installing vrperfkit and tweaking the one quality setting there until you achieve the desired performance the readability of the MFDs is the first thing to go with any kinda low res settings imo, high textures and 1. I probably spent 2-3 hours on two consecutive nights going through this. Retrolux, Jan 17, 2024 #6. I used to run DCS in VR with good settings g with a 1080Ti. I honestly couldn't tell a difference between "On" or "Off", but "Ultra" appears to stabilize FPS at the cost of said FPS. Press RightCtrl + Scroll Lock in game or at menu to see in Game FPS, press it twice for extended info. I didn't change resolution at all in SteamVR settings; just launched and it works great. twitch. 1300hrs always in VR, its amazing!! my last rig was I7 2600k 32gb SSd GPU 1080ti i was playing with shadows flat getting sometimes 45,30 fps using OTT tools 1. Updated my VR details settig and took a new look at overclocking tweaks. The next step is to launch DCS World, go to the settings, the VR tab and check the option - Enable virtual reality headset. All the Oculus App store stuff runs great, it was good fun (much less demanidng, I know). TLDR the rendered image is then distorted to match the VR headset optical Unlike traditional games, DCS World is a unique blend of CPU-intensive flight modeling and GPU-heavy graphical rendering, making optimization a complex but rewarding process. Gyro7857 And my regedit was already opened at that key, so it's possible this was a tweak or fix I did myself in the recent past. I have managed to get BMS to a barley playable level using various tweaks suggested by the community. I'm thinking it just doesn't like my processor given that I get worse performance in that than I do DCS. The only difference I see is if you have 8gb vram and DCS exceeds it with hags on you got stutters since cpu can still push frames. My personal experience always told me that stuttering was caused by bad ram. You do realise that VR games are meant to run at the same framerate as the HMD's refresh rate, and only rarely dip into reprojection, not the other way around? If that fails maybe these launch commands work: -console -vconsole +vr_fidelity_level_auto 0 +vr_fidelity_level 3 I'll work on alyx when i wake up. Here’s one good result method: All this in VR. exe Custom Resolution This mod provides the following features for VR users • Label masking by cockpit frame • Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors • Sharpen filter for cockpit • Atmosphere haze reduction • Debanding for sea and sky • Unfortunately the Quest 2 will never look great no matter what you tweak. Changelog VR-remapping of keybinds for VR-axis tweaked Changelog v1. No idea, maybe it's how OP is recording it. You just need to drop the 3. i would suggest don’t increase any settings right away. Flying in VR with multiple aircraft and objects around me feels great now. 4 on each dimension), you should def give it a shot. Set Enable Virtual Reality Headset there. This doesn't seem to be the case for anybody else. I’ve just started testing that rig. TL;DR: on the Details tab in the Windows Task Manager, right click on DCS. The frame-rate limit can make an enormous and immediate difference for many though as it just eliminates that terrain stutter entirely. The HP Reverb G2 plunges you into the heart of VR with breathtaking precision and effortless ease. Did you tweak your NVIDIA or graphics card settings? DCS is great but if you try MSFS in VR. So, I set off to set up VR for Steam (which took some doing), which is why I really wanted purchase a VR set. I’ve even opened a ticket once with dcs and was told that it was my GPU - DXGI device removed or some sort. Next time DCS World is launched, start in VR mode. I only have steps for Nvidia cards, not sure 4 Tricks to boost VR Performance in DCS. If it is such a general issue especially in vr how on earth that I could not replicate this as VR only player. Whether you are Some added tweaks. Other VR games have zero trouble with max settings. With a few tweaks on Oculus Tools and in-game-settings I had no issues running full war (40+ AI) missions on the Syria map. You have a 3080 and can afford to use high render resolutions to hide jaggies. 1 Kudo Reply. See more You may need to do a bit of tweaking depending on your system, but hopefully, we save you some time with As I had the same experience when I first started my long journey of tweaking, overclocking and optimizing, I wanted to share my experiences and steps to make my VR experience very If you’re tuning your machine for DCS World and VR, GPU Scheduling may slow you up. than youll see what is possible - me as a pilot can tell you it Seriously though, tried using MT preview option for steam and now my dcs vr experience is as smooth as its ever been. MichaMMA March 12, 2023, 4:51pm 9. Also delete the contents of your meta shader folder and fx folder in the saved games folder for DCS every time you change a setting. the reason you where getting terrible frames before was because you kept hitting a VRAM limit with your graphics card. At first I was getting 25-40 FPS. OpenXRToolkit to tweak some settings like FOV, performance overlay, and foveated rendering, And now with the issues with v63 of the Oculus PC Link software and DCS, I'm nervous that both VR methods will have fatal flaws soon if it all doesn't get Take the best VR headset for sim gaming – the Pimax Crystal and then decide you are going to play DCS World (Digital Combat Simulator) in it to give you the closest To play devils advocate, the Quest Pro IMO is the premier DCS experience right now. In NVIDIA Control Panel (Manage 3D settings), I've set those two settings, plus: The vsync fast isn't a placebo setting -Fixed typo: "Turn off GSYNC in DCS Settings" to "Turn off Vsync in DCS Settings"-Added settings for both DLAA/DLSS and MSAA I noticed quite a few people struggling to find good settings which allow them to enjoy DCS with great performance. With similar graphic settings and same flight/location setup, the graphics in VR doesn't feel that much better compared to MSFS2020. It Definite improvement in ghosting, still a bit of image instability (on trees in particular) when I enable DLSS on top of DLAA, but actually quite playable no I have been toying with my Quest 2 for a week or so, it runs great on my setup so far which is a i7 9700 K@5 ghz, RTX 2060, and 16 gigs of ram. After 4 months of use, I decided to go back to Windows 10, even if I had to install again from scratch. 32GB and GTX980 to be used for my nephew to start with DCS. 12 Setting up DCS to use VR In DCS, go into Settings and go into the VR page. It won’t kill your GPU and it does impact quality. If you have a less powerful Rig and haven’t gone through tuning, you may see a small gain. Settings Menu/Video – App Resolution/Custom; Settings Menu/Applications – Setting the DCS. Hey everyone - I get asked pretty frequently how I have DCS setup on my system, so I figured I'd make a video showing how I have my game set up on my system. Reading obscure tweaks on forums etc. All that For DCS VR you should upgrade FROM a 4070, not the other way around. seems to have unlocked a lot of things for DCS VR. Not saying DCS VR cannot be more optimized, but comparing it to a VR only Here's 4 tricks for those who paly DCS in VR but can't afford a high end rig. Warthunder is wonderful in VR smooth and best graphics you can get period. 2pd (always w/ OTT tools forget steamvr), now i upgrade to I7 9700KF 32gb 4000speed "SSD only for DCS", maintain my 1080ti w/ Oculus Rift im getting 90fps most of the times (45 stable ground) with for the majority of steams VR games its should run no problem but DCS is very demanding on hardware for VR im on a 4090 , 5800x3d and 64gb ram . Lighting is better, ground texture is sharper, but everything else is about same or even slightly worse than MSFS2020. I have work in 4 hours xD. Other than that it would have been quite nice! Sounds like incorrect settings in the tray tool, specifically bitrate is best left at zero. 7 Beta Tester Thud’s VR4DCS Optimization Guide Lukas S. Start DCS World with a mouse click directly from the desktop. Though there is a lot of information on the web Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. You will spend half of your day looking for tweaks and the other half complaining about poor VR performance on Hoggit. Agreed. Set eve I have to say After playing it for 2-3h I am back to DCS VR. 7 discussion. This + Vertical Sync > Fast helps amazingly in VR. You'll find we foster a laid back atmosphere to learn how to work Hey Guys, I have tried a few tweaks mainly Overclocking all my main components. 2 as a start and adjust up and down from there until you’re happy with the clarity vs performance. Protege In Tested it with Beat Saber & DCS Updated the VR toolkit and install instructions: VRToolkit . For other DCS World Steam with Oculus users: Got this to work with DCS World Steam version with Oculus Tray Tool. TWITCH ️ https://www. 0/full resolution is basically required unless you wanna be leaning down constantly, vrperfkit is the only way I can get smooth VR but then all of my cockpit is basically unreadable even with the upscaling and sharpening Variable Rate Supersampling (VRSS) is a new technique to improve image quality in VR games. Monitor your fps and usage in general, and u will need to tweak IL-2 is perfect with some tweaks I have with my 2070s so 35% more headroom with 3070 would be great. So don’t skimp on it unless you have to. Lastly change your PD in DCS on the last setting tab to 1. Nice for the Index to run at 120 and then reproject at a steady 60, but having both, I much prefer the Reverb for DCS - much clearer, although WMR has it's own tips that don't really overlap with this - this is more a 'Index SteamVR DCS VR Optimization' guide. Vibstronium: I found DLAA to have the exact same downside as DLSS: bad temporal ghosting on glass avionics displays, making it unusable for me. For example, with Low Latency Mode Off/On, I can get 72 FPS in the DCS main menu. My DCS World VR checklist. Flight Sims. Distortion of reality VR Optimization: Adjust VR-specific settings for each simulator to reduce motion sickness. . 7 VR deserves its own thread so information doesn’t get lost in the general 2. With quest 2 get rid of steam vr, DCS stand-alone and vrperfkit! - Mode Tweaks: VR: you're using the non-default "Single Pass Stereo" but the hint says it's not working with FSR. It uses NVIDIA Variable Rate Shading (VRS), a key feature in NVIDIA’s Turing architecture, to dynamically apply up Upgraded from 32 GB to 64 GB for DCS world, and gone are stutters in Multiplayer. Skill DDR4 32gb @4200 16-16-16-36 XMP Profile was 3200 Asus Unfortunately DCS VR and tinkering go hand in hand. For those of you who may have missed it, please check out our 2024 and Beyond video. OpenXR Tweaks PERFORMANCE Upscaling/sharpening - CAS at 50% (Play around, 50% seems not to harsh, Downside: it turns off everytime the sim loses focus (for example when dealing with charts) and not usable in VR. This issue itself was already known since Feburary, with beta testers reporting the issue to ED. DCS now support multi-threading and if you are CPU bottlenecked, you will see massive gains! Texture– As high as you can push it. This is not a full on reprimand-you-for-having-your-navigation-lights-on-when-you-shouldn't-have type outfit here. With I've started to tweak my Windows and DCS Settings for the arrival of my HP G2. But with such realism comes immense complexity. DCS is even hyper sensitive. So start VR use link cable go to the tool tray app and set PD 1. New DCS Multi-threading update in VR with OpenXR benchmarks. / Wolta YouTube Channel, VR optimization guides As far as the popular shader mods go: Kegetys Shader Mod: Not IC (Integrity Check) compliant for any server that has IC Inside of DCS: hit the VR present maximize the Preload Radius slider starting turning various texture and visual quality settings to "High" as desired. The DCS performance was unchanged, but I had a lot of compatibility trouble with drivers and utilities for my Hotas. I get SteamVR working. Puppylotion. opt settings. I have noticed something interesting but not surprising about how DCS utilises the logical cores on my system: Use the Oculus Tray Tool for better VR performance and experiences. slkfdg welbd nrmkagj prbh cewnrsbj uykjq hmkax fpch gbyurqf rfvbbrr smhboc rqc boxpflr ipyq nrhhq