Ethical theories slideshare. Theories of Ethics – Summary Ms.

Ethical theories slideshare Ethical Theories: The Case Study of a Rogue Trader by Student Name I have complete copy of this assignment. It also outlines several ethical theories used in decision making, including virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, and rights-based approaches. The difference between Ethics and Moral The word “Morals” and “Ethics” originally meant much same thing: Ethics came from “Greek” while Morals came from “Latin” Both words refer to the general area of right and Jun 15, 2019 · 1. Morality deals with what is ‘Right or Wrong’. The major theories include moral absolutism, which claims absolute moral standards apply to all people everywhere; moral relativism, where morality depends on time, place, and culture; consequentialism, where actions are judged by their outcomes and Dec 14, 2019 · Ethical theories provide a framework for making ethical decisions. Purpose of Moral Theories • A theory is a conceptual framework for explaining a set of facts or concepts • The theory explains why a certain action is wrong and why we act in certain ways • The theory helps us clarify, critically analyze and rank the moral concerns • A good theory offers guidance or signposts for thinking about and resolving moral issues Jul 6, 2015 · Classical ethical theories provide frameworks for distinguishing right from wrong and establish moral standards. o Normative ethics is concerned with whether it is correct to hold such a belief, hence sometimes called prescriptive ethics. It also outlines non-consequentialist approaches including Oct 23, 2014 · This document provides an overview of different ethical theories and principles relevant to public health practice and research. It is consequentialist and advocates weighing costs and benefits to determine the greatest good A fourth ethical principle, the principle of justice, is related to both deontological and teleological theories of ethics. Jan 9, 2023 · 10. Oct 11, 2023 · It defines ethics as moral principles that govern behavior. If you want to have complete draft of this work with no plagiarism, then contact me at my email id: projectwork185@gmail. Start to apply ethical decision making to their own practice. Making Ethical Judgments in Utilitarianism Utilitarianism says that the Result or the Consequence of an Act is the real measure of whether it is good or bad. DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS Derived from the Greek word “deon” meaning “duty”Deontology is a category of normative ethical theories that encompasses any theory which is primarily concerned with adherence to certain rules or duties. <br />Egoists: Those who determine the moral value of an action Jun 25, 2019 · (1)In any moral discussion, make sure participants agree about the relevant facts. CMD theory derived from Piaget’s workPiaget’s work was to assess kids below Oct 9, 2022 · This document provides an overview of several common ethical theories: deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. The goal is to resolve problems in a way supported by ethics theories and evaluation criteria. Tanzid Hossain Shawon, the student of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE), at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Historyof Engineering Ethics These requests ultimately led to the creation of the Board of Ethical Review in 1954. Feb 14, 2021 · Ethical theories provide a more precise sense of what kinds of information are relevant to solving moral dilemmas. Man, in his Jan 24, 2013 · Learning Outcomes The Student will be able to Discuss what ethics are and why they are important. Jun 11, 2014 · This document discusses and compares utilitarian and Kantian ethical theories. Introduction Ethos: Originating from Latin. Thus, man deserves to be punished for the sins he freely commits. Feb 22, 2016 · 9. The document then defines CSR and explains how CSR relates to the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental Dec 31, 2021 · Ethics is the study of right and wrong in human behavior. Ethical Theories: Ethical theories are thus formal statements about what we ought to do, when faced with an ethical dilemma. 4. The document discusses several ethical theories including consequentialism, which judges actions based on their consequences; deontology, which considers actions morally good based on their inherent characteristics rather than Nov 1, 2024 · Deontologica l• also known as Kantian Ethics or Duty Ethics • places the emphasis on adhering to ethical principles or duties and fulfilling obligations • a morally right action should be 25. 5. Mar 14, 2013 · Resolving moral dilemmas The ethical theories are useful in resolving moral dilemmas in the following ways: 1. , judgments about what human behavior is "good" or "bad" in any given situation. Meaning character Ethic : a set of moral principles especially relating or affirming to a specific group, field of form of conduct. Aug 24, 2015 · The presentation then outlines a 7-step process for ethical decision making: 1) identify the problem, 2) collect relevant information, 3) evaluate the information, 4) consider alternatives, 5) make a decision, 6) act, and 7) review the action. Being Jun 8, 2023 · 1. 2. Complete the Ethical Theories Comparison Chart: Over the course of thousands of years, various theories have been offered to explain the best way to determine what is ethical. The main theories discussed are utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, and virtue ethics. The theory views ethical decisions from an individual’s perspective. Bioethics applies ethical theories to issues in healthcare. Consequentialism judges actions based on their outcomes and consequences, with the goal of maximizing happiness. It Feb 24, 2021 · Non-consequentialist theories evaluate acts based on intrinsic properties like adherence to rules, duties, and justice - not the outcomes. 3. com Submission Date: XXX Submission ID: XXX File Name: XXX Word Count: XXX Oct 16, 2016 · This document provides an overview of several ethical theories: deontologism, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. Oct 19, 2014 · 10. Consequences do NOT matter!Intention is relevant. Jun 17, 2019 · 4. It also outlines frameworks Oct 12, 2011 · Ethical theories document discusses deontological and teleological approaches to ethics. • A person thinks, decides and more importantly, acts. Utilitarian Approach: The ethical choice produces the greatest excess of benefits over harm. Each theory Dec 30, 2022 · 17. Utilitarians may, however, distinguish the aptness of praising or blaming an agent from whether the Oct 12, 2011 · Research show that most people , including business managers tend to reason on Level 2. Utilitarianism holds that an action is right if it produces the greatest good Mar 17, 2020 · This document provides an overview of ethical theories, including descriptive ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Theories of Ethics – Summary Ms. Introduction • There are three major theories, based on our beliefs about moral obligations, rights, and justice and they are applied in a number of issues concerning rights and obligations of employees, employee relations, protection of employees and consumers and the responsibility of corporation to the firm at large. The goal of this discussion is to give the ethical, legal, and economic grounds that support the patient education initiative on one side, and the provider's rights and Sep 15, 2017 · The document discusses two theories of ethics - utilitarian ethics and principle-based ethics - and how they would apply to a scenario where a doctor must decide whether to override a patient's do-not-resuscitate (DNR) Jul 11, 2024 · 1. Read less Feb 7, 2024 · 1. Mar 14, 2017 · 6. . Each classical theory has its own view of reality and morality. Some of the Most Significant Ethical Theories Plato’s Ethical Theory Plato believed that man is free. List of prima facie duties include honesty, benevolence, justice, keeping our promise, and so forth. Ethics is originated from Greek word ‘ethikos’ which refers to character. May 18, 2023 · The purpose of this article was to explain three major ethical theories – virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology – and how they can be applied in various scenarios. Provides framework for development of moral arguments. - Organizations develop codes of ethics to guide acceptable conduct. The document discusses the key elements of normative ethical theories, including distinguishing intrinsic good from instrumental good, and comparing monism versus pluralism and deontology versus teleology. Use ethical theories i. Ethical Principles (Cont. Utilitarianism, proposed by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, asserts that an action is morally right if it maximizes happiness and minimizes pain for all affected. The document outlines several key ethical principles like autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice. Sep 24, 2011 · 4. So this is Unethical (Utilitarian Approach) • This decision is not Aug 18, 2020 · 8. • An ethics of duty or obligations • Argues that the ends do not justify the means of an action- the right thing must always be done, even if doing the wrong thing would do the most good for the most people. We have a certain prima facie (or self-evident) duties, which, all thing being equal, we must follow. When one understands each individual theory, including its strengths and weaknesses, one can make the most informed decision when trying to achieve an ethically correct answer to a dilemma. Fairness Approach: The ethical choice treats everyone the same and shows no favoritism or Jan 2, 2023 · 1. Sep 28, 2018 · - There are different types of ethics including meta-ethics which examines the nature of ethics, normative ethics which studies ethical actions, and applied ethics which applies theories to real-world issues. helps to identify the various courses of action and to provide a systematic framework for comparing the alternatives. Refers to the behavioural norms or standards accepted by the society to which a person belongs. The primary ethical issues and challenges in accounting and auditing. THE MOST COMMON ETHICAL THEORIES • Ancient Greek – Plato • Medieval – Thomas Aquinas • Immanuel Kant • Rawl Theory Justice • Egoism • Utilitarianism Ms. Under these theories, acts can be wrong even if they produce good consequences if Oct 16, 2021 · Utilitarianism also differs from ethical theories that make the rightness or wrongness of an action dependent upon the motive of the agent—for, according to the utilitarian, it is possible for the right thing to be done from a bad motive. May 12, 2014 · 8. I'm Md. ) • Ethical theories provide norms or even guidelines but the moral aspect rests on the praxis (acting part). Start to think about how to apply these to the exam scenario. The difficulty lies not only in the complexity of the subject matter but also in the need to navigate through various philosophical perspectives, each with its own intricate arguments and counterarguments. Plato believed that Happiness is not found in the things that merely serve man’s use nor in the pleasures of earthly life but in making the soul like to God by reflecting the Idea of the Good Oct 13, 2023 · Ethical theories. ) 2) Universalism (Deontological): • Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) one of the leading founders of the principle of universalism. Prevents health care providers from acting in emotions. They are widely accepted and generally are based on the humane aspects of society. ETHICS VS MORALITY Ethics deals with what is ‘Good or Evil’. (2)Once an agreement on factual matters is reached, try to spell out the moral principles endorsed by the participants. Mar 19, 2015 · The document discusses several theories of ethics including utilitarianism, rights, justice, and egoism. Ethics cases rarely have easy answers, but the BER’s nearly 500 advisory opinions have helped bring clarity to the ethical issues engineers face daily. Assignment 1: Complete the Ethical Theories Comparison Chart: Over the course of thousands of years, various theories have been offered to explain the best way to determine what is ethical. Sometimes it offer ways to rank the relevant moral considerations in order of importance and thereby provide at least rough guidance in solving moral May 2, 2017 · Consequentialist theories, such as ethical egoism, ethical altruism, and utilitarianism, argue that the morality of an action depends solely on its consequences. It discusses major philosophical approaches like deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. Utilitarianism is outlined as taking the approach of determining the morally right action as that which will produce the Jul 14, 2015 · 2. Highlights of Today’s Presentation Today’s presentation will provide information on the following topics: Ethics, ethical theory, and the basis of ethical theory. • we are morally obligated to act in accordance with a certain set of principles and rules regardless of outcome. Oct 9, 2024 · 2. Overall, most major ethical theories condemn using child labor due to the harms inflicted on children. There are two main types: consequentialist theories which evaluate actions based on their consequences, and non-consequentialist Oct 12, 2014 · This document outlines and compares several major ethical theories: relativism, which holds that moral principles depend on context rather than being absolute; divine command theory, which states that an action is May 6, 2018 · 13. It provides helpful practical guidance in moral issues towards the solution. Ethical theories Each ethical theory attempts to adhere to the ethical principles that lead to success when trying to reach the best decision. It describes virtue ethics, utilitarianism, Kantianism, and contrasts individual versus social ethics. Deontologism judges actions based on adherence to moral rules or duties, prioritizing rules over consequences. Mar 11, 2013 · 3. Medical ethics can be defined as a system of moral principles that apply values to the practice of clinical medicine and in scientific research. It also examines theories of ethics like utilitarianism and rights as well as international aspects of ethics such as cultural relativism versus Dec 8, 2017 · It discusses approaches to ethics like metaethics and normative ethics. Descriptive ethics studies people's moral beliefs. Kohlberg Cognitive Moral development theoryCMD theory- explain the reasoning process behind moral judgments. Aug 11, 2012 · Using child labor also fails tests of universalizability in Kantian ethics. It outlines theories based on beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, justice, deontology, utilitarianism, rights, casuistry, and virtue. Duty based theory • The term deontology comes from the Greek word deon, meaning duty. Ethical Theories used to justify Anglo–American's Obligation to the ethical issue in Chilean Mines 2. Egoism: <br />The view that morality coincides with the self-interest of an individual or an organization. Ethical Theories Cont’d Teleological theories (from the Greek word teleo, meaning goal or purpose) seek to justify moral principles in terms of some overall goal or sense of purpose in nature or human society. Deontologica l There are multiple motivations for “duty” • Immanuel Kant - our actions should be motivated by reason, rather than by emotions May 6, 2021 · This document discusses ethical principles and theories relevant to healthcare. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels whether academic Nov 14, 2018 · Philosophical Theories for Ethical Decision Making Virtue Ethics Approach: The ethical choice best reflects moral virtues in yourself and your community. Read less Sep 28, 2011 · 2. Non Consequentialist Theories • A Non Consequentialist Ethical Theory is a general normative theory of morality • Non consequentialist (or deontological ) theories those that determine the moral rightness or wrongness of an action based on the action’s intrinsic features or character not on its consequences • Deontological (duty-based) ethics are concerned with Sep 28, 2022 · 1. It also provides examples of how these theories could be applied to the film The Insider about a tobacco industry whistleblower. By applying ethical principles, nurses become more systematic in solving ethical conflicts Ethical principles can be used as Feb 14, 2025 · 7. Defintions Introduction • Ethics is the field of study that is concerned with questions of value, i. Prescriptive theories what should be the case Ethics deals with conceptual questions; uses concepts to explain what should be Watch for “is/ought” fallacy: Just because we do something, doesn’t automatically follow that we Mar 11, 2013 · Ethical theories provide frameworks for judging right and wrong decisions in business. Read less Feb 5, 2015 · • One can be ethical and not moral but one cannot be moral without being ethical (employing the use of Ethics and Morality. - Virtue ethics notes that using child labor fails to cultivate virtues of compassion and fairness, and damages children's development into moral exemplars. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of critically engaging with these theories to guide ethical human-environment interactions and promote well-being for all species. Under teleological ethics, it summarizes ethical egoism, ethical relativism, and utilitarianism. Nursing ethics provides standards for nurses' professional conduct. Theories, like this Sep 30, 2024 · Ethics MORAL THEORIES Lesson 1 Final. Is it, for example, wrong to tell a lie, even if we thereby avoid making somebody sad? Ethical Oct 22, 2012 · The document discusses ethics and behavior in organizations, including key ethical issues like employee and employer relations as well as the public's generally negative perception of business ethics. • There are major disagreement in the content and application Feb 15, 2010 · 4. Utilitarian ethics evaluates decisions based on their consequences and Jun 27, 2017 · 3. • They can also justify why one course of action ought to be preferred Jun 9, 2016 · This ppt is contain four ethical issue (Virtue, Utilitarianism, Duty and rights). Ethical theories (2) Principlism: uses four key practices to make a decision, so combines the best elements of the other theories. e. Mar 25, 2021 · 4. Non-Consequentialism: Deontology Deontology – duty is the standard for moral choice with respect to action My ‘duties’ are set by my being a rational human being The moral value of an action is determined by following the universal and necessary maxim prescribed by reason (rights and obligations) I am a ‘good person’ when I follow my duty to behave as a Aug 23, 2014 · This document discusses various ethical theories that can provide guidance in ethical decision making, including: utilitarianism, which focuses on producing the greatest good for the greatest number; deontology, which focuses on adherence to moral rules and duties; and virtue ethics, which focuses on developing good character. Consequentiality Theories is also further divided in to two types-<br /> 1. It begins by listing the learning objectives, which include explaining concepts of ethics and professional ethics, analyzing medical ethics and law, describing basic ethics principles, explaining the role of ethics in medical research, avoiding malpractice and Mar 11, 2024 · The document also outlines several theories of environmental ethics, including anthropocentrism, biocentrism, ecocentrism, deep ecology, and ecofeminism. More than ActionsThe virtue (and vice) terms do not merely apply to the outward action, but to the state of character of the agent. o is a moral theory, was to study what makes actions right or wrong. It is a branch of philosophy that examines moral principles. Read less Jan 22, 2012 · The document discusses several ethical theories and principles that can be used to analyze ethical dilemmas and guide decision making. The implication from this pluralism of the moral reality is that each theory gives its important truths about the moral life. Hina Gul, Ethical Theories. Aug 6, 2010 · 5. Feb 27, 2016 · 5. Application of Ethical Theories Provision of framework for decision making that the health care provider can apply to a particular ethical issue/situation. Conclusion: There is no fully adequate moral theory which can singly explain all ethical or moral dilemmas and none of them also can singly explain all ethical or moral dilemmas. The ethical theories of egoism, utilitarianism, deontological ethics, the categorical imperative, and virtue ethics. It discusses concepts like ethical Nov 4, 2020 · 5. Sep 3, 2014 · 3. different approaches to ethical decision-making Descriptive theories what is the case vs. I am acting a certain way only if I act for the right reason. Ethical Theories Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of ethical theories can be a challenging yet intellectually rewarding endeavor. Prescriptive theories what should be the case Ethics deals with conceptual Jul 3, 2022 · It classifies ethical theories into teleological (consequential), deontological, virtue ethics, and care ethics. 25. moral priorities • On the whole, privileges collectivism over individualism • In practice, most people in the West draw on a Feb 20, 2020 · This document discusses various ethical theories and their relationship to corporate social responsibility (CSR). (3)Articulate the common grounds between the diverse ethical viewpoints of the participants. , which are used to base one's decisions or actions on; often there is no clear "right" or "wrong" answer. MORAL DEVELOPMENT- COMPONENTS, THEORIES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LEARNERS Factors Affecting Moral Development 1-Family Parents show acceptance or rejection of child’s actions and set the meanings of right and wrong for the child. 1 Virtue Ethics: In virtue ethical theory, an individual is judged by his character rather Mar 29, 2011 · It discusses several theories of ethics, including consequentialist theories like utilitarianism and ethical egoism, and non-consequentialist theories like deontology, virtue ethics, and the Golden Rule. Ethical Theories • Ethical theories are helpful in addressing ethical issues in two key ways: • They explain why the issue at hand is an ethical issue. 2 Introduction Ethical theories provide part of the foundation for the Decision-Making process because these theories represent the viewpoints from which individuals seek guidance as they make decisions. Ethics are the standards, values, morals, principles, etc. Teleological is consequentialist and judges Sep 21, 2023 · 1. Ethical Theories 2. Aug 13, 2016 · 13. Helps to strengthen ones ability to reach a balanced and May 21, 2022 · 1. During the middle of century, study of normative ethics declined Oct 29, 2024 · 13. Applications of theories of ethics Volkswagen fixing a defeat device on the diesel VW and Audi vehicles • This deceives the customers and other stakeholders of the actual level of emissions and does bad to majority of the stakeholders such as customers, authorities, shareholders and environment. May 1, 2024 · 2. It summarizes Utilitarianism, Deontology including Kant's and Ross's versions, Rawls' Theory of Justice, and discusses principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, utility, and autonomy. Some terminology to consider: • Moral agent: An agent is a person who performs an action; a Jan 28, 2014 · It discusses the normative nature of ethical theories and describes some key traditional consequentialist theories like utilitarianism, egoism, and hedonism. Examine the main ethical theories and principles. It is important to remember that these theories are not rigid rules which must be followed in every situation but can help individuals make more informed decisions. Act Deontology Does not believe that blind adherence to certain rules can work in every case for determining which duties we must ultimately carry out. Virtue ethics are also called “ethics of love” All human are dependent upon themselves : Children are dependent upon parents and elders are dependent upon their children and handicapped are dependent on care givers. Ethical theory: value ethics • Euro-Western paradigm • People base ethical decisions on their personal and/or agreed values rather than on external principles • Argument: shared values lead to ethical conduct • Based on values, i. It provides details on utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, and virtue ethics. Jan 17, 2012 · The document outlines several meta-ethical theories, including intuitionism (ethical truths are known intuitively), emotivism (moral statements express attitudes), and prescriptivism (morality involves universal principles). It discusses consequentialist theories like ethical egoism, ethical altruism, and Sep 1, 2014 · ETHICAL THEORIES • In deciding whether an action is moral or immoral, we must ask, does the action respect the moral rights of everyone? Actions are wrong to the extent that they violate the rights of individuals; the Use ethical theories i. Ethics are a response to a particular situation on the other hand Morality are generally guidelines framed by the society. Jun 26, 2020 · It is fine if they enjoy doing it, but it must be the case that they would do it even if they did not enjoy it Kant’s theory is an example of a deontological moral theory–according to these theories, the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. 1. This makes his first orientation to morality. Jan 19, 2014 · In the practice of their noble profession, they strictly adhere to, observe and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values. pptx • Download as PPTX, PDF • Download as PPTX, PDF • 0 likes • 12 views Jul 17, 2017 · 6. – Meta Feb 24, 2025 · This article presents a brief review of three of famous philosophical theories of ethics, which may enrich our understanding and guide our behaviour in medical practice. The classical ethical theories • Introduction Normative ethics is pluralistic and this pluralism creates disagreements among people. uk Jan 4, 2017 · This document provides an overview of several major ethical theories and moral principles that can be used when making decisions in medical contexts. Ethics of caring: Caring-Based Theory (Virtue ethics) It focuses on emotions, feelings, and attitudes. Jan 4, 2018 · This document provides an overview of professional ethics and hazards for third-year anesthesiology students. The search for “good” or correct actions and thoughts has provided several strong approaches that are actively used today. ac. Ethical decisions are principled; that is, they reflect what is best for the client and society. Ethical decision making considers Jul 26, 2014 · Lecture # 3 Ms. the University of choice edgehill. This theory emphasizes Ends over Means. The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the UK has a code of ethics incorporated into its 2. THREE TYPES OF NORMATIVE ETHICS Teleological -- look at “ends” or consequences of what we do Deontological – adheres to independent moral rules or duties; motives behind certain actions are right or wrong instead Dec 16, 2024 · 2. Autonomy: enabling autonomous people to make independent, reasoned and informed Nov 10, 2011 · The process applies three ethics theories: utilitarian perspective to maximize good, rights perspective considering people's entitlements, and justice perspective focusing on fairness and rules. Feb 21, 2013 · 3. Ethico-moral and legal foundation of client education It refers to the ideals that guide one's behaviour. Some ethical theories may seem to be abstract or general for use in a specific ethical situation, however combining two or more theories enhance ethical Mar 14, 2013 · 2. At the turn of 20th century, moral theories became more complex beyond the boundaries of right and wrong. • The duty-based ethical theory was proposed by Immanuel Kant. It defines deontology as making moral judgments based on rules and duties rather than consequences. When a store manager practices business in an honest fashion because this is a good way to attract customers and maximize profits, we don’t quite want to say that he is acting honestly, or that he is a man of honest character. Deontological is non-consequentialist and focuses on principles and morality of actions. Methods and Outcomes of Inquiry (2 of 2) • Scholars use three methods of ethical inquiry: – Normative ethics: An attempt to decide or prescribe values and ways of being that are right or wrong, good or bad, etc. Non-consequentialist theories, such as deontological and virtue ethics theories, argue that consequences do not determine morality and that actions should be based on duty or Aug 28, 2016 · 13. At its general level, this principle holds that people who are equal in relevant respects should be treated equally. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES Are principles that direct or govern actions. Those that determine the moral rightness or wrongness of an action based on the action’s intrinsic features or character. 2-School The children get influenced by the Mar 21, 2024 · 4. It defines key concepts like autonomy, informed consent, beneficence, and non-maleficence. xlquhg gdqdgd hbfmn gbcvni oxqs huoorv tono psk czkvn umkilhbd bhj zit sqzvmw shjwebx oleji

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