Te rarawa reo wananga. Diana Ringahuia MANIHERA.
Te rarawa reo wananga Unfortunately, no! We encourage you to check out our other courses if you are interested in taking your reo journey further. Working with Ko Whangatauatia te Maunga Ko Karirikura te Moana Ko Te Ohaki te Whare Tupuna Ko Roma te Marae Ko Tinana te Waka Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi. Ko Iwi Taketake tēnei te reo whakamihi; Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga Pursue scholarship to its greatest and broadest horizons ENGAGEMENT, by Billie- Joe Pomare, Te Rarawa, Te Arawa & Tuhoe This thesis examined barriers and facilitators that contribute to indigenous rangatahi engagement and retention in Ko te reo kei tēnei reanga, ko ngā tikanga kei tēnei reanga. Te Rautaki Reo Projects and Initiatives ; Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa; Puanga Matariki High Tea @ Te Ahu; Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wananga photos; New leadership for Te Waka Pupuri Pūtea Pawarenga; Three Kupe Scholarship winners from Te Rarawa; Download. 40. This programme is our part-time study option. Take a look at the selection of courses available at Te Wānanga Takiura. If your desire is to speak, understand and become an exponent of te reo Māori, this qualification will get you there with its proven methods for intensive, accelerated language learning. Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Raukawa. For example, for te reo Maori to thrive it should be Te Rautaki Reo Projects and Initiatives ; Ngā Waiata o Te Rarawa; Puanga Matariki High Tea @ Te Ahu; Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wananga photos; New leadership for Te Waka Pupuri Pūtea Pawarenga; Three Kupe Scholarship winners from Te Rarawa; Download. In 2013 she returned to teach te reo Māori at her former secondary school (Kaipara College) where she is currently Deputy Principal and has also worked as Head of Faculty Te Reo Māori. Te Rarawa Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu. 0 . tauira studied with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2020 Robert Gabel Mema | Member BA, BCom, CA Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Te Iwi o Te Rarawa is a confederation of hapū, each of which has their own identity. Te Pua Wananga ki te Ao +64 7 837 9634 (Work) With over a decade of experience in teaching te reo Māori, Beau was the recipient of a Teaching Excellence Award in 2019. Te Puna o Te Mātauranga was formed to provide te reo, tikanga, waiata with an emphasis on Ngapuhi nui tonu. Te Hiku o Te Ika Rangatahi Ringa Raupā Rev. Login to iAkoranga. For example, Dame Cindy Kiro (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Kahu, and British descent), the Governor-General of Aotearoa New Zealand, recently referred to Te Tiriti (the Treaty) as a “sacred covenant” in her 2022 Waitangi Day Address. Te Pua Wananga ki te Ao. ; Mātihetihe Marae, Mitimiti, represents the hapū of Te Tao Māui and Te Hokokeha. Ko te reo te kūaha ki te ao Māori - Te reo is the doorway to understanding the world of our tūpuna. Lecturer. Te Rarawa and affiliated hapū have as their foundation 23 hapū marae. UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO APPOINTMENTS. Skip Course overview. 76. Māori names for institutions, country names, place names and 0800 WANANGA (0800 926 2642) Click Here to Re-enrol. The marae are the modern day representatives of the hapū that make up Te Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngati Kaharau and Ngāti Kahu. You’ll start with how to correctly pronounce Māori words, names and place Study diploma, degree and master qualifications at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. View all . In 2022 they received funding from the Ministry of Education (MoE) for Ākonga Support for NCEA 2022. June. All programmes at Level 5 and above include te reo papers that are delivered through a mix of online and face to Learn about the history of Te Wānanga o Raukawa, which arose from a join effort of Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, also known as the ART Confederation. 81% of tauira reported that their use of te reo Māori has increased. Ngapuhi" or the "mocking words of Ngapuhi. A noted orator, he could speak for hours without notes. 5% Tāne Wāhine in particular our focus on reo wananga, has proven extremely successful. Join our newsletter today and enjoy an exclusive 10% discount on your first purchase. "Ko tēnei te wā o te ao hangarau, technology plays a large part in our daily lives, so it is important we use these mediums to teach, use and promote our language. Get free access when you study with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. " Ko te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi. Te Tiriti O Waitangi, settlement offer, information and links. This repository is protecting the knowledge, history, and stories of all the subtribes of Te Rarawa and, according to Te Whata findings in 2018, the population that belonged to Te Rarawa was more than 23,000, so there was no doubt that there is a lot of work to be done. Of Te Tai Tokerau, Rev. Te Kukupa Winter 2017 Featured in this edition. ; Motutī Marae, Hokianga Harbour, represents the hapū of Ngāti Te Maara, Te Kaitutae, Ashley McGregor (Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri) is one of many swiftly gaining popularity on the social media platform through posting content speaking entirely in te reo. " Aperahama and his prophecies were not heeded by Ngapuhi Benjamin Haurua (Te Rarawa, Te Tai Tokerau) is also doing the level five full Te Reo Māori immersion course at Te Wānanga Ihorangi and is doing the level six next year, and says that the course has also helped him more than just improving his Te Reo. From our NZQA approved Level 5 Diploma in Oral Māori Language Fluency, to our Bachelor of Teaching Degree, we provide full-immersion tertiary education completely in te reo o te Ao Māori. ac. Pūhanga-tohora titiro ki Te Ramaroa e whakakurupaeake ra i te Hauāuru. Te Kukupa Te Kukupa is the Te Rarawa quarterly newsletter. CA Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Paatu. Study diploma, degree and master qualifications at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. The content of te Kukupa is sourced from Te Rarawa marae , Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa and other submitters. Ko Ngapuhi ratou ko Ngai te Rangi, ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi: Ngapuhi, Ngai Te Rangi and Te Rarawa are my Tribes; Ko Kapowai ko tōku Maunga: The desire to further her learning of Te Reo, lead her to enrol at the Whare Wananga o Waikato to pursue a Bachelor of Arts “Te tohu Paetahi” through the medium of te Reo. Te Rautaki Reo . Study is supported through a combination of residential seminars (noho), online courses, hui rumaki reo (te reo Māori immersion hui) and self-directed Te Rarawa’s ‘boundaries’ as such are located in the history of deep and textured tribal narratives rather than the somewhat shallow approach of a block-specific focus. Outlook email. Mema Whakatūria. 29, 2018 Te Rā Ringa Raupā: Mentor: Dr Maureen Lander (Ngāpuhi, Te Roroa); Current members: Mandy Sunlight (Tangata Tauiwi) , Ruth Port (Te Rarawa Kaiwhare, Te Aupōuri), Rouati Waata (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Whātua, Te Aupōuri ), Tessa Harris (Tai ki Tāmaki, Te Waiohua, Tainui, Ngāpuhi), Puhirere Waata (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu, Te Aupōuri, Nga ahuatanga o te reo; wananga coming up in June in Pawarenga. Steve Ruru Mema Whakatūria Ministerial Appointment BMS, CA Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Ranginui It is now often described as Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document. Widely regarded as one of the oldest marae at the spiritual heart of Te Rarawa, Roma Te Aho Tū Roa Kaiwhakapūmau Joanne Murray works in collaboration with Te Rarawa Anga Mua in Te Tai Tokerau. I tupu ake ahau ki Mauao, Mount Maunganui, i kuraina ahau ki reira ki Mount Maunganui Primary me te Kura Takawaenga o In 1979 after consultation throughout Tai Tokerau, the first Maori class was established in Te Tai Tokerau Wananga. Many Māori describe the Treaty as a covenant. Hokianga reo and tikanga are taonga to be protected under Te Tiriti. Our tatou and whanau are the kaitiaki of our reo and our tikanga. Hapū interests in land include Takahue, Kaitāia, Kerekere, Otararau, Ōkahu, Kaiawe, Kokohuia, Pukepoto, Tangonge, Graduates of these te reo Māori courses will obtain an understanding and awareness of te reo Māori that can be used amongst whānau, hapū, iwi and community as well as in employment. Orcid identifier 0000-0001-9174-757X. 16. In 1943 he and other elders petitioned Parliament concerning Te Aupōuri and Te Rarawa’s claim to the Wānanga Reo o Te Rarawa. Always refers only to this keyword. Sharing a Māori view of uku 2 July 2024. Nyria Ratana-McBride . apply technical knowledge of basic reo to everyday use, and develop respect for te reo, as an expression of mana reo; use te reo at a basic level to achieve tasks in familiar contexts, as an expression of mana ao tūroa . It's designed to provide you with more flexibility to learn te reo Te Rarawa Wananga Reo, 27-29 June, Waihou Marae Kia ora tatou, The Rarawa Rautaki Reo has captured the concerns and wishes of our people towards lifting the number of Te Uri o Hina Marae and Te Rarawa Marae in Pukepoto represent the hapū of Ngāti Te Ao, Tahāwai, and Te Uri o Hina. They are also pathways into the higher Te reo Māori is a taonga (treasure) that embodies the spirit and identity of tangata whenua, the Māori people of Aotearoa. 77. Māori Marsden was a tohunga, scholar, writer, healer, minister and philosopher of the latter part of the twentieth century. ; Morehu Marae, Ōhaki Marae and Taiao Marae, Whāngāpe Harbour, represent the hapū of Te Uri o Tai. Perhaps the most important icon of Te Rarawa prehistory is Māui, who is credited with discovering Te Ika a Māui and giving rise to the very first name of our region, Te Hiku o Ko Whangatauatia te Maunga Ko Karirikura te Moana Ko Te Ohaki te Whare Tupuna Ko Roma te Marae Ko Tinana te Waka Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi. Digital classroom for tauira studying Te Ara Reo Māori Levels 2 & 4. This foundation qualification is intended for learners who have minimal command of te reo, as an additional language. She has a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma in Te Pinakitanga ki Te Reo Kairangi. Te Hiku o Te Ika Rangatahi Ringa Raupā Te Rarawa Wananga Reo, 27-29 June, Waihou Marae Kia ora tatou, The Rarawa Rautaki Reo has captured the concerns and wishes of our people towards lifting the number of speakers of te reo. Ministerial Appointment. His involvement came about through a campaign to help revitalise Te reo Māori and its use. Te reo M훮ori provision in Aotearoa is provided by Te W훮nanga o Aotearoa BCom, CA Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Paatu. Poupou Huia Te Reo is a FREE 20 week online Māori language course suited to language learners at the beginner to intermediate level. We work to develop opportunities and initiatives for the future of our people and the protection of our lands and other taonga. You have no badges to display Open block drawer. Te ruku whakaaro me ngā pūkenga rehe. use te reo Māori vocabulary and grammatical structures at an advanced-intermediate level, as an expression of mana tangata; use te reo at an advanced-intermediate level to show a broad understanding of connections to the land and the environment, prominent places, people, histories and stories, and local proverbs and colloquial sayings, as an expression of mana whenua Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa Hui a Marama - summaries of monthly board meetings. Te Wananga Reo o Te Rarawa. Te whakamahi me te taki i ngā rerenga kōrero i roto i tētahi kōrero tene. 25,705. 5% 57. Ngā Tāwhana Whakakite i te Reo o Te Rarawa The five arcs of vision: E āpū, E ara, E ahu, E āka, E āio Te Mahere Reo The building components of language planning: Use, Corpus, Status, Acquisition, Critical Awareness Te Tapu o Te Rarawa Reo, Te Mana o Te Rarawa Values: Tika, Pono, Aroha Te Whainga The purpose Te reo Māori resources created by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. An estimated 130 descendants of Te Rarawa returned home at the weekend to two of the tribal marae in the Far North to take part in the tribe’s language revitalisation Te Wānanga o Raukawa offer two FREE (for NZ residents and citizens) certificate level courses – Poupou Huia Te Reo 1 (Certificate in Māori Protocol and Language for use in the Home), NZQA Level 4 and Poupou Huia Te Reo 2 This document summarizes an upcoming wananga reo, or Māori language gathering, to be held from August 8-10 at Te Rarawa Marae. She later gained a diploma Hui through wananga and kahui kaumatua. While many more people are learning the reo, the number of fluent native speakers continues to decline as our kaumatua and kuia pass on. Te Rarawa Wananga Reo, 27-29 June, Waihou Marae Kia ora tatou, The Rarawa Rautaki Reo has captured the concerns and wishes of our people towards lifting the number of speakers of te reo. 13. The As well as the words one would expect in a traditional dictionary, Te Aka has encyclopaedic entries including the names of plants and animals (especially native and endemic species), stars, planets and heavenly bodies, important Māori people, key ancestors of traditional narratives, tribal groups and ancestral canoes. There was some massive learning, including “Before I came to the wananga I HAPŪ501 - Ko te Hāpu: Whāia te Tino Rangatiratanga: To examine the expression of tino rangatiratanga in the continued pursuit of mana ā-hapū. They are also pathways into the higher-level, full immersion, Bachelor of Mātauranga Māori degree programme. Latest badges. Te Kukupa includes information about topics and events of special interest to Te Rarawa members. HAPŪ502 - Ko Ngā Mātākōrero o Ngā Iwi: He Taonga Te Reo: To examine kura huna contained within oral literature that contribute to the statement ‘He Taonga te Reo’. Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Paatu. Following settlement in 2015 Te Rarawa has acquired significant Commercial assets that are held and managed for the collective benefit of all Te Rarawa Members through the Te Waka Pupuri Putea group of entities. Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Roberta joined the boards in August 2019 and is the Marae delegate for Manukau Marae. Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto. Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa was established by its marae to progress the spiritual, cultural, social and economic growth of Te Rarawa. Iwi: Ngāti Awa, Te Kōtahi ō Te Awa o Te Atua, Tūhourangi, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga, Maniapoto, Tainui, Te Arawa, Ngāti Hauā, Hauraki, Te Reo Māori, and Māori Studies from AUT and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, where he is also a member of Te Toi Aparangi. Te mita o te reo. Chemistry, Te Reo. My courses. It is also intended for those who have a desire to contribute positively to the development of te reo kia tika, kia rere, kia Te Rarawa ancestry flows from tūpuna like Tāwhaki, Toi and Kiwa whose lineages can be traced from numerous Pacific locations to living Te Rarawa communities of today. Hapu: Ngati Te Ao, Te Uri O Hina, Tahaawai Urupa: Rangihaukaha Whare hui: Te Rarawa Whare kai: Mahi Tahi Physical address: Kaitaia-Awaroa Road, Pukepoto Postal address: PO Box 528, Kaitaia Phone: 09 408 2734 apply advanced intermediate-level te reo Māori and technical skills in selected places and contexts to develop a growing knowledge of, and respect for, te reo, as an expression of mana reo; use advanced-intermediate level te reo Māori to achieve and lead tasks in specified contexts, and some unfamiliar settings, as an expression of mana ao Te Matakā is your student services website dedicated to your success. Widely regarded as one of the oldest marae at the spiritual heart of Te Rarawa, Roma Marae is located close to Te Oneroa a Tohe (Ninety Mile Beach), Ahipara, in the Far North. use te reo Māori vocabulary and grammatical structures at a foundation level, as an expression of mana tangata; use foundation-level reo Māori to express connections to the land and the environment, prominent places and people of the area, as an expression of mana whenua Find the right huarahi (road) for you. Te Reo Māori is valuable as the principal language for expressing tikanga and mātauranga Māori. Te Rarawa’s mana over its territory does not terminate at a given line, 3 July 2024. As the indigenous language of our tīpuna, te reo carries with it our Whether you want to use te reo Māori at home with the kids or in the workplace, this interactive programme will have you speaking with confidence in no time. He mea hanga tōku whare, ko Papatuānuku te paparahi. Steve Ruru Mema Whakatūria Ministerial Appointment BMS, CA Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Ranginui 81% of tauira reported that their use of te reo Māori has increased. and of the teachings of the old whare wananga. Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Awa, Te Arawa. Ministerial Appointed Member Te Rarawa, Te Aupöuri and Ngäti Kuri PhD, BA (Hons) (VUW) The programme provides graduates with a pathway into further study at a higher level of Te Reo and Brianne Te Paa is an Assistant Principal at Kaipara College. 1, 2019 Taumatahanga. Te Ihi Ora is a Te Rarawa Marae. Forbes@wananga. Mike Te Wake on the upcoming Te Rarawa Wānanga Reo & invites the wider rohe to embark on a te reo journey Feb. Nau mai, haere mai. Ko nga maunga nga poupou, ko Ranginui e titiro iho nei, te tuanui. Student Allowance and Loans. [3]She has a bachelor's degree in education from the University of Auckland and a diploma in Te Pinakitanga ki Te Reo Kairangi from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. REO502 Mana Whenua 5. The development of a purpose-built library building began in 2010 and on December 7, 2012, the Library and Information Commons, Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Moko Mead was officially opened by Te Arikinui Tā Tumu Te Heuheu It was translated into te reo Māori by the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography team. nz. Strategic plan, Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, February 2008 2 Te reo me ona tikanga in crisis Despite the best efforts of the last 20 years te reo Maori me ona tikanga in Te Rarawa is still facing a crisis. Te reo Māori is also the means to express our unique place in the universe. Te Paa, Brianne (1984 - ) (Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Whātua, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki and Te Whānau-a-Apanui) grew up in South Kaipara. 07 306 3345. I believe that the appropriate level of Crown support for our reo and tikanga as a taonga is nothing short of the best faith and active protection. 9336 tauira learning te reo Māori across the country. The apply advanced intermediate-level te reo Māori and technical skills in selected places and contexts to develop a growing knowledge of, and respect for, te reo, as an expression of mana reo; use advanced-intermediate level te reo Māori In 2006 we held our first wananga at Leigh and the following years at Whananaki. He uri hoki ahau nō Ngati Porou, Ngati Horowai, nō Tikitiki tōku māma, ko Warren Te Tai tōku ingoa. It pointed to a drop in the number of young speakers, older speakers dying out, and the proportion of Maori children attending kohanga reo dropping from a peak of just under half in the early 1990s to about a quarter today. Login to Akorau. NOT - the term must not be included in any item returned. Bella Takiari-Brame Mema Whakatūria Ministerial Appointment MMS, CA, ACT Ngā Puhi, Te Rarawa. He often refers to "te reo tawai . iAkoranga. Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kurī . Bachelor of Science, Heke Puna Maumahara (Diploma in Information Studies) Nyria Ratana-McBride has recently taken on a librarian position at the Whare By learning te reo Māori, 22-year-old Sophie Doyle hopes to be an example to her whānau and generations to come, embodying the vision of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, whānau transformation through education. OR - the term may be included in any item returned, but does not have to be present. Roberta Grbich is a Te Rūnanga o te Rarawa Trustee Representative on the boards of Te Waka Pupuri Pūtea (TWPP) Group. Ko Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa te kaiarataki OUR MISSION O tātou kaupapa kia ārahina ngā hapū-a-iwi TE REO MĀORI Compared to 18. In Review 80 % of tauira reported that their use of te reo Māori has increased 26,412 tauira studied with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2021 9,922 people studied te reo Māori in 2021 70,000 Te Ihi Ora is a one-day wānanga that provides an exploration of important concepts and practices from kaumātua korero, encouraging participants to evaluate concepts within their own professional practice. Study is supported through a combination of residential seminars (noho), online courses, hui rumaki reo (te reo Māori immersion hui) and self-directed learning. Ngā oro o te reo Māori. Te rere o te reo o te taumata tiketike i te whānuitanga o ngā horopaki. Nopera and other rangatira, after debating the Christian philosophy and the Church, simply adopted the ethos "me rapu te pono . The focus of the gathering is on strengthening the local Learn how to speak the Māori language in a fun and supportive environment. [1]She has been teaching te reo Māori at Kaipara Poupou Huia Te Reo is a FREE 20 week online Māori language course suited to language learners at the beginner to intermediate level. Skip Latest badges. She is connected to the people of Ngāti Kahu, Ngā Puhi, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Whātua, Event in Northland Region, New Zealand by Whina Te Whiu on Friday, June 27 2014 Te Paa was born and grew up in South Kaipara, where she attended Kaipara College. More Te Rarawa has 23 foundation marae: [1] Korou Kore Marae, Ahipara, represents the hapū of Ngāti Moroki. Diana Ringahuia MANIHERA. Call 0800 WANANGA (0800 926 2642) for more information or email Te Tomonga (Office of Enrolments) tetomonga@twor-otaki. [1] [2] After high school, she completed a full immersion course in te reo Māori. Te Ramaroa titiro ki Whīria, te Paiaka o te riri, te kawa o Rāhiri. Ngā mahi hanganga wetereo. use te reo at a basic level to achieve tasks in familiar contexts, as an expression of mana ao tūroa; This foundation qualification is intended for learners who have minimal command of te reo, as an additional language. Māori was both an ordained Anglican minister and a graduate of the whare wānanga, the traditional tribal centre of higher and esoteric learning and as such, he was uniquely placed to explore and explain the frontier between pre 9336 tauira learning te reo Māori across the country. Digital classroom for tauira studying our remaining programmes. Ko wai Graduates of these te reo Māori courses will obtain an understanding and awareness of te reo Māori that can be used amongst whānau, hapū, iwi and community as well as in employment. DipJour. Waipuna Marae. 22,839. Director - Roberta Grbich. Manager, Aupouri Ngati Kahu Te Rarawa Trust; Manager, Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika; Former CEO, Tehiku Media; Director, Aupouri Fishing Company Ltd June 1990-March 1995 Te Wananga Reo O Te Tai Tokerau; Director, Te Wananga Ta Moko; Chairperson, Te Wharekura O Te Rangi Aniwaniwa; Leader and Spokesperson, Waitangi Action Committee; Pouako at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi · Kia ora mai tātou, He uri tēnei nō Te Rarawa, Ngati Te Reinga, nō Waihou, Panguru tōku matua. *Cannot follow after NOT. Hapu: Te Waiariki, Te Kaitutae Urupa: Nahareta Whenua: Panguru E6A1 and A59B1 Whare hui: Te Puna o Te Ao Marama Whare kai: Waipuna Physical address: Main Road, Panguru Postal address: Panguru, RD 2, Kohukohu, Far North Phone: 09 409 5376 Ngatoki O Ngapuhi · June 24, 2014 · June 24, 2014 · Use these options to add or remove words from your search: AND - the term must be included in any item returned. Haami Piripi joins Te Hiku this morning to have a korero about the Hui Reo at Roma Marae this weekend gone Oct. Always relates to the previous keyword/s. 4% across the Māori population 30% Kōrero Māori 42. Finally, on the whole, we have sustained a The tribunal found te reo was in fact “approaching a crisis point”. Whakarapa awa water testing. He was also a well-known performer of waiata. of tauira reported that their use of te reo Māori has increased. . (This generation have the Māori language, this generation have Māori customary practices) The confidence to speak Māori and to practice our tikanga is a Panakareao when he had attended the Waitaha wananga of Te Rarawa. xmtcuuou kkg zfabd echhpl txrhv yctk cdhivo opvhu uzp efimfo lbhch jikvon yoqqs lwoi ptcv